Indoor Potty Training

Interview With Gordon The Iggy About Potty Training

Sterling O'Brien
Italian Greyhound Dog litter box, pet training pee pads Italian Greyhound Dog litter box, pet training pee pads

Sterling had a chat with Gordon, a fellow Italian Greyhound who initially struggled to use the Doggy Bathroom. When a new object enters a home, it can be a bit confusing for a pup. Gordon had been trained to use pee pads, but if they moved even slightly, he’d miss. When his mom brought home the Doggy Bathroom, he had to learn how to use it. Here’s how he did it…

Sterling: Hey Gordon, thanks so much for chatting with me today.

Gordon: It’s a pleasure, Sterling. I feel like I’m talking to a celebrity!

Sterling: (fur-blushing) Well, thank you. I hear you got a Doggy Bathroom?

Gordon: I did! I’d wanted one for such a long time. And it’s great!

Sterling: How did you find out about it?

Gordon: Actually, I saw it on Tika the Iggy’s Instagram page. Wow, that is one popular pooch!

Sterling: She is! So, why did you like the Doggy Bathroom?

Gordon: I use reusable pee pads, but sometimes when I’d run to the pad or be playing near it, it would move, and I didn’t want to use it anymore. Then when I went to use it—assuming my mom didn’t move it back into its normal place in time—I would completely miss the pee pad and go on the floor accidentally. The Doggy Bathroom fixed all that because it holds the pee pads in place.

Sterling: And did it take a long time to learn how to use it?

Gordon: I’ll admit, at first, I didn’t quite know what it was. I kinda thought it was a bed. My mom put a used pee pad inside the unit, but I didn’t know I was supposed to go in there. Then my mom reached out to your dad, and he gave her some great tips that worked right away. Three days later, I was using my Doggy Bathroom like a champ!

Sterling: That’s great! What did my dad suggest?

Gordon: He told my mom to put one of my pee pads in front of the Doggy Bathroom and then gradually move it inside. So that’s what she did, and by the third day, I totally caught on!

Sterling: And now…?

Gordon: Now I love my little space… and my mom loves having fewer clean-ups!

This story is a testament to the power of patience, love, and practical solutions in making our lives and our pets’ lives easier and happier. Gordon's successful transition to using the Doggy Bathroom highlights how a little guidance and the right tools can make a big difference. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to both Gordon’s and Sterling’s parents for their dedication, love, and patience in ensuring their furry friends thrive.