Indoor Potty Training

Graduating From Pee Pads On The Floor to The Doggy Bathroom

Sterling O'Brien
Doggy Bathroom Dog potty box, maltipoo dog breed Doggy Bathroom Dog potty box, maltipoo dog breed

If you clicked on this article, it's likely because your dog has been using pee pads on the floor, and you've mopped up messes more times than you care to count. Been there, done that!

Dogs already trained on pee pads tend to be consistent with their potty breaks, but there's always the risk of spills, misses, or smelly messes. While some dogs take to the Doggy Bathroom right away, others may need more time to understand how it works. If your dog hasn’t been potty trained at all, be sure to check out our essential training guides on the website to get started and succeed. Keep in mind that it may take longer for dogs that have never been potty trained to adjust. However, if they’re already accustomed to pee pads, here are some tips to help them get comfortable with their new Doggy Bathroom!

  1. Install your Doggy Bathroom in your chosen spot. Let your dog sniff it and grow accustomed to its presence.
  2. Familiarize your dog with it by placing them inside and rewarding them with a treat after.
  3. Attract your dog to the Doggy Bathroom by placing our scented pee pads or one of their used pee pads inside. If that doesn't work, put it nearby and gradually move it closer until it is inside. 
  4. Don’t let your dog lie down in it as they might think it’s a crate!
  5. Signal them to pee in the Doggy Bathroom by using your potty command (if you have one) while directing them to the Doggy Bathroom.
  6. Separate the Tray from the enclosure if they are still hesitant to go all the way in. Place a pee pad at the bottom of the Tray and get them accustomed to using just the Tray. Once they get used to it - then try introducing the enclosure. If they are still not ready, go back to using just the Tray and try again later in a few days.
    Remember, this process will take some time and effort from both you and your dog. Use it as a time to bond and once they get it, the benefits will be worth the effort. Remember - patience is key.